
Completely Fictional Conversations

conversation takes place in narrator's head, but plays out as if it were two ex-lovers talking on the phone who hadn't talked on the phone to each other in a long time.

me: "you hurt me, you know?"


you: "yeah...but you hurt me too."

long pause

me: "yeah, i know i did...but it's been so long and i'm still dealing with it."

you: "why?"

uncomfortably long pause

me: "valid point."


conversation takes place in a mexican restaurant during happy hour. narrator is noticeably worried about the close proximity of other guests whilst having the following conversation. "her" is oblivious to others in the building, social norms, etc.

me: "i think it's a valid point."

her: "why?"

me: "i don't know how to explain it. i just can't do it. i was hurt in the past and i don't want to do it again."

her: "well don't you know that your indecision, your fear of commitment, your...whatever you're doing, is hurting me?!"

me: "i mean, yes, of course i know that. but it's not that easy. i can't just jump into this like you want me to. i can't just tell you everything, let you in."

her: "why not?! this is what i'm talking about- why do you expect me to be open and honest about everything to you, but you can keep things from me?"

me: "honestly?"

her: "honestly."

me: "honestly...this is a great margarita." said with a sly grin.


her: to her margarita "unbe-fuckin-lievable."

me: to the waiter "excuse me sir, another margarita please."

waiter: "yes, sir. one more margarita!"


conversation takes place late at night -after the bars closed- on the front porch of a house narrator has only imagined being in a few times.

girl: "why the fuck not?!"

me: "i don't know it's just like, because i barely know you."

girl: "you'll get to know me."

me: "no..." nervous laugh "that's not it. i mean i should know you first."

girl: "..."

me: "i would just feel bad. don't get me wrong, i want to. i really do. i mean, i think you're gorgeous, man do i think you're... but i can't..."

girl: "you're an idiot. get inside. we aren't going to date. we aren't going to fall in love. we aren't going to tell each other secrets that no one knows about us. we aren't going to make plans for the future. and we definitely aren't going to end up hurting each other."

they exchange a medium length stare

girl: "so what are you waiting for?"

me: "valid point."

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