

the diagnosis can be saved for some one who is a little less sure.

i am a crazy person.

the head aches,
the dreams,
the recent increase in thoughts that begin with "wouldn't it be funny if..." and usually end with some ridiculous action involving a coworker or friend.
even the viewing of Shutter Island on some deeper level made me question what in the world was wrong with me.
OR maybe i'm just like Claire from LOST who has build her own little world and everyone lies to me to keep me stable.
i did make up a friend for about 2 years there for awhile. i mean, she was real, but she wasn't really a friend-- if that counts.

so lock me up. throw away the key. narcissism is a crime punishable by solitary confinement. haha can you imagine how much worse that would make it??

oh lord, when is the stage where i get over myself and start caring about others?
oh, a relationship? marriage? family?
fine. just show me the one.

no...a different one. one after that one...and that one. thanks.

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