
750 words?

Is this what it's come to? A huge tribunal council where I must apologize to any girl I ever hit on, led on, or made fall in love with me?? This kind of task could only be accomplished by the most narcissistic of aspiring writers. of narcissistic aspiring writers with only 30minutes before they leave for work but with some unexpected desire to actually write something again. anything again.

so i apologize, for writing you that note in seventh grade. and i'm sorry to your parents for having to deal with you after. but i think we're even because i think you're married.

and i'm sorry for telling you i'd still talk to you when i moved to oklahoma, but c'mon.

i'm sorry for making you fall in love with me in hafer park. and in fort worth, texas. and college station, and houston, and kansas city, and maybe new york? but not dallas. and i'm sorry for a lot of things but mainly for the fact that i let you get in the relationship you're in now. and i'm not sorry for saying that.

i'm sorry for causing you to believe that i wanted anything more than a distraction from apologizing.

i'm sorry for whatever i told you at The Moon that night. honestly, i can't for the life of me remember what i said.

i'm sorry for that night i made you fall in love with me in austin. you were a good dancer, but why did you text me the next day? (x2)

i'm sorry for making you fall in love with me when i visited (charleston / chicago).

all apologies for making you fall in love with me in my cubical. this one is not going to be fun to deal with i can already tell.

most importantly, i'm sorry to YOU for believing that this life is better than pursuing You first before finding her. I've started atleast. I mean, it's been a good 3 months, right? Slow, lonely, sad, but good?

this wasn't nearly funny enough

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